今年圣诞之际,歌手平安将推出圣诞歌曲 《We'll be there》,他希望用自己的歌声和歌迷们一起过圣诞、迎新年,一起回忆温暖的友情,以新的姿态投入到下一年。
据凤凰网消息,这次平安推出的新歌《We'll be there》由孙卓群作词填曲,将在12月17日首发。这首歌曲乃一首暖心歌曲,他吟咏了人世间非常美好的情谊,强调无论何时何地拥有一些美好的朋友是一生中最美好的。
《We'll be there》歌词:
I ll be there
any time you need a friend
we ll be there
]any time you need a hand
时间 一分一秒过去
窗外已经是Christamas eve
一年即将过去 岁末冬的气息
I ll be there
any time you need a friend
I ll be there
any time you need a hand
you make me stronger
make me seeing through the dark
you make my world a better place
you re so extraordinary friend
我在这里等你 带来春的讯息
any time I need a friend
you"ll be there
any time Ineed a hand
you make me stronger
make me seeing through the dark
you make my world a better place
you re so extraordinary friend
]across the ocean
how much I wanna hold you once again
promise i ll make it
all of our dreams will never end
any time you need a friend
we ll be there
any time you need a hand
we ll be there
any time you need a friend
we ll be there
any time you need a hand
you make me stronger
make me seeing through the dark
you make my world a better place
you re so extraordinary friend
you make my world a better place
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